Keep up on all the latest Northstar Fireworks news!

- Northstar Fireworks set to compete at International Fireworks Competition in Sherbrooke, QC
- Vermont’ Fireworks Company Finishes 2nd at International Competition (The World)
- Northstar Fireworks, Sherbrooke QC – PyroMusical Competitors (Caledonian Record)
- Northstar Fireworks takes second place at competition
- Blog on Northstar Fireworks
- “Everything you need to know about having fireworks at your wedding.”
- WCAX Channel 3: News coverage from Sherbrooke QC
- YouTube – Northstar Fireworks in Sherbrooke, QC
- Journal Opinion (Bradford, VT) – Local Company takes second at International competition
- Vermont.Com business listing of Northstar Fireworks
- Burlington Free Press: High Waters almost damper Burlington Fireworks Display
- Dave Graham Show WDEV Radio: Northstar Fireworks – Scroll to 20:00 min mark
- Northstar spends countless hours in State House: Testimony by Tom Swenson, GM of Northstar Fireworks
- WCAX: Burlington VT celebrates July 3rd at the Waterfront
- Fox 44: July 3 – Burlington Prep 2018
- Fox 44: July 3 – Behind the Scenes of Burlington VT Fireworks Display
- NBC 5: Where to see Fireworks this Fourth of July 2019
- Burlington Free Press: Banner Ad- Memorial Day 2020
- The Vermont Standard: Behind the Scenes of Hartland Fireworks Display